Spirituality - The I AM - The Way - LOVE
Spirituality means many things to many people – for each of us have our own beliefs, our own histories and structures – and the one element in common is LOVE.
We may not always see that, we may have difficulty understanding it or receiving it; but we all yearn for it. Love is a connecting, energizing force of the universe – it flows through each one of us, through all things great and small. We are the Divine Expression of Love, ultimately, even when we aren’t so sure what that looks or feels like; how to receive it or extend it; how to BE the Love…And we remain the I AM, the Divine Love, the perfect expression of creation – Now lets explore how we can appreciate our Spirituality and develop our sense of connection, oneness and peace.

From Heaven to Earth ... And Back Again
Messages are being sent to us all the time. Sometimes in the form of heavenly messengers, angels, guides, loved ones; sometimes in the reading of the planetary alignments, and our astrological signs; or even from the Light and Vibrational frequencies surrounding us. Perhaps we resonate more with the earth; we may receive our messages through the realms of Mother Earth – trees, plants, crystals & stones, fairys, animals. In any case, if we are willing to listen, to still our mind a wee bit, we can receive, understand, and act upon these wonderful messages of support.
Meditation, contemplation, prayer, yoga are a few avenues that help us to quiet our mind and get connected with our inner selves. From that place of peace, we start to gain a greater understanding of who we truly are as well as the enormous amount of support we are given by the Universe. Ask. Receive. Love.

Many paths lead to SELF ...
We live in a world filled with beliefs, religions, dogmas, structures. Our societies are built upon the premise that we are not all created equal (although our beliefs may differ), that we need to act according to a certain set of rules – which we generally agree to; and that our essential connection to our Spirit, or God, is outside of ourselves. That last paradigm is shifting. More and more people are realizing that in order to create a “better” world, we must first remember our Essence. We must first search our own Spiritual Beingness – finding our way back to the I AM of who we are. Whichever the pathway that we choose, many of us are reminded that the Source of all creation resides within each of us. It is time now to continue our awakening, the rememberance of the infinite potential of who we are. The Spirit of Love resides in each of us – let’s find our path and celebrate our Spirituality!

Playing on the Path of Awakening
Finding our way to our highest Self, our most joyful expression of who we are, can be an arduous journey or a powerful, fun and joyful experience. We choose.
If you are searching for a higher meaning or purpose in your life; looking for answers to your concerns; or creative paths to getting to know your true Essence, you may wish to seek out Transformational Spiritual Coaching, participate in our ongoing Spiritual Development group or attend any of our classes that explore Spirituality from a wide range of perspectives. Whatever you choose – it will be perfectly right for you!